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Thursday, 20 June 2013

Our RCH Adventure

Thursday night and this Quiet World Mama is curled up in bed ready for sleep and looking forward to the end of the week.

This has been another busy week for Jaime. First off the rank was a trip up to the Austin Genetics Clinic where we finally received our answer as to the cause of Jaime's deafness. Jaime has a genetic condition which causes Sensorineural Deafness as a result of a deletion within a gene called the Connexin gene- This is the most common of the genetic causes of Deafness, and for Jaime thankfully does not cause any other abnormalities. 
The Connexin gene is a recessive gene meaning both myself and my husband are carriers and will have a 1 in 4 chance of having a future child with a hearing impairment. I feel that this answer has finally lifted a weight off my shoulders, I feel like we can move forward with more clarity and confidence rather than wondering why.

Second of our big appointments this week was our long awaited adventure at the Royal Children's Hospital. After six months on the waiting list, finally the day had arrived for Jaime's MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and CT (Computer Tomography) scans. 
The day we had been impatiently awaiting had now become a day of anxious anticipation. Our first challenge was to survive a morning of fasting a little girl who loves her food! At midnight our sleepy little bub was woken for her final feed, 7am we were up and ready for our first round of cuddles and distractions (Jaime was not pleased about missing her breakfast) By 7:30 thoughts of breakfast were replaced with playtime and Thomas the Tank, and by 8:30 we were bundled into the car and on our way to the RCH (Jaime kindly treated this mamma to a peaceful drive dozing for the hour plus journey). Soon we were checked in to the MRI unit at the RCH awaiting our turn.
As per usual Jaime instantly began making friends with the nursing staff, captivating them with her bright smile. The nurses kept us distracted with bubbles until finally the time came to say goodbye to Jaime and leave her in the hands of the lovely RCH staff. As my beautiful girl drifted off to sleep I kissed her 'goodnight'. Watching those starry eyes close under the anaesthetists mask Jaime looked so tiny and fragile. Although a simple scan, to see your child looking so vulnerable and then having to walk away is heart-wrenching. I headed off to begin my anxious wait, eager to see my baby girl safe in recovery.

90 nervous minutes later, I was reunited with my precious bundle in recovery where Jaime was already awake and entertaining the nursing staff! She never ceases to amaze me, she truly is a little trooper taking everything on with a constant smile.

Once discharged, as I'm sure most of you would be aware, no trip to the RCH in Melbourne is complete without a visit to the cheeky Meerkats...

...and the giant Groper at the Aquarium!
(He was almost as big as Jaime!)

With our RCH adventure complete this Quiet world Mum is glad to be home, Jaime happily tucked up in bed and the weekend soon on its way!

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Questions about our journey with sensorineural hearing loss? Or do you have a story of your own to share?